Welcome to the Mind Fuzz newsletter, a recap of three things that are on my mind this week.
1. Just Wonderin’
Sometimes I wonder why the hell ya’ll are subscribed to my newsletter.
Like you actually choose to open and read things I send you – that’s wild.
Just so you know, I question the value I’m providing some weeks.
Like, right now, I just wanna send you a funny video or the song I’m currently vibing to (Net Wurth – Tommy Richman).
But maybe there’s something in having someone who just writes down whatever the hell they’re thinking.
Like this, I guess…
Whilst I can’t assure you that I’ll provide genuine value each week, I can guarantee I’ll always tell you what’s actually going on in my noggin’.
Even if nothing is really going on up there, I’ll never make up some random deep sh*t to sound good.
That’s a promise x
2. Getting Sick
I’ve been sick all week.
Maybe that’s why I’m struggling to think straight?
Anyway, it’s sucked – but I’m getting healthy again.
One thing you should know about me – I’m an absolute sucker for fresh starts.
Getting healthy again after being sick for a while is like New Year’s Day for me.
My diet, my workout schedule, everything just feels fresh again.
Almost every time I get sick, I look back at my diet over the few weeks prior and can see that it’s slipped.
Fewer vegetables, less water, a few extra unhealthy snacks here and there.
When your body shuts down, it’s usually a reminder that you either need or a break, or you need to make some changes to your lifestyle.
But you don’t have to wait until you get sick to make these changes.
Have you been treating your body well recently?
3. Catching Charizard
“Paths are made by walking.”
Franz Kafka
I want to use this week’s quote as a nudge to you.
2024 has been like no other year for me.
I’m making progress like never before, and it’s all because I’m actually doing something for once.
Yes, that’s literally it.
I’m showing up every week, creating something, and putting it out into the world.
I’m not trying to plan things, I’m simply doing things.
I don’t know where I want to this journey to go, but at least I’ve started walking the path.
We wait so long for the perfect opportunity to come our way, but we’re never in the right place to receive it.
It’s like waiting in Pallet Town (Ash’s home city) trying to catch a Charizard.
He’s out there, but you gotta start walking to find him!!
A closing question for you
What’s one thing (something you’ve been putting off) you could do right now to make your life better?