Volume 30: Monotony, Tangled Tin Cans & Self-Judgement

Welcome to the Mind Fuzz newsletter, a recap of three things that are on my mind this week.

1. Monotony


The inevitable rhythm of a life built on routine

Often a blessing… lately a curse.

Holy sh*t guys, I’m so bored. 

I love my routine, but I’ve been feeling so uninspired lately.

Work, gym, sleep, repeat.

I’m in the headspace where I’m dreaming of a life beyond this routine.

A life I know I probably wouldn’t enjoy, but one I can’t stop thinking about.

I know you all experience this too, so I just wanted to let you know I’m right there with you.

I think it’s important during times like these to reassess your overarching goals.

Still on track?

Good, maybe you’ve just got to push through.

Those goals no longer appealing?

Maybe the stranglehold of monotony is trying to tell you something.

I’m still on track with my goals, so I’m pushing through.

Maybe the answer is different for you.

2. Tangled Tin Cans

So there’s a growing trend of people using wired headphones again.

Like those shitty out-of-the-box wired Apple headphones.

Apparently it’s out of fear of ‘Bluetooth radiation’.

These are the same people who eat at McDonald’s and get 5 hours of sleep each night.

It all reminds me of the old “can’t see the forest for the trees” saying.

People love to focus on the 20% whilst the 80% just hangs there in tatters.

It’s the weight loss pills instead of just adopting healthy eating habits.

It’s the diet Coke with a Big Mac meal.

Maybe I’m just being abrupt.

But I will take any amount of radiation not to have to listen to The Strokes through those tangled tin cans.

Do your music justice, take a bit of radiation for the team.

You’ve gotta die of something, right?

3. Self-Judgement

“Enter their minds, and you’ll find the judges you’re so afraid of – and how ridiculously they judge themselves.”

Marcus Aurelius – Meditations

People aren’t thinking about you.

Isn’t that bloody glorious?

I think this is the best revelation I’ve had this year.

People are so caught up in their own lives.

Their own worries.

Their own insecurities.

That they barely have any time to give you more than a passing thought.

There is so much freedom that comes with this.

It’s usually always the opinions of others that hold us back from doing the thing we really want to do.

When you realise people aren’t actually thinking about you, these constraints suddenly disappear.

What’s left is usually the constraints we impose on ourselves, usually out of comfort.

Now, that’s another thing entirely, and we don’t have all day do we?

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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An attempt to clarify my thoughts and make sense of the world – Mind Fuzz is crafted for you, by someone who’s just trying to figure s**t out too.

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