Volume 37: Hollaback Girl, Pride & Behind A Mask

Welcome to the Mind Fuzz newsletter, a recap of three things that are on my mind this week.

1. Hollaback Girl

I spent this Saturday night drinking peppermint tea and listening to Gwen Stefani unironically.

Okay, Gwen was part of much larger playlist, but the hook sounded good!!

I’ve become weirdly comfortable with solitude over the years.

I always tell myself I’ll do something fun when Saturday night rolls around.

Then I find myself wrapped up in bed listening to hollaback girl & drinking tea from my vintage girl guides mug in bed.

It wasn’t hollaback girl, but I feel like that’s the only Gwen Stefani song ya’ll would know.

Okay it actually was hollaback girl.

Why are the synths at the end of it so good????

2. Pride

Happiness and pride are much more related than I realised.

I think this is especially true for men.

I look back at all the times in life where I was unhappy and, without fail, I can link that emotion to a lack of pride.

Not the pride you show in front of others, but pride you feel when you’re alone.

The pride that comes from not lying to yourself.

Doing what you say you’re going to do.

And actually being a good person instead of just talking about what it takes to be one.

You can fake pride and confidence in front of others, but you can’t fake it to yourself.

And I’m starting to learn that’s the only metric that matters.

More on this in an article soon, probably.

I’m still working through it in my head.

3. Behind A Mask

“Give a man a mask, and he’ll show his true face.”

Oscar Wilde

Would you act differently if you could do so anonymously?

When fear of judgement, social norms, or pressure to conform didn’t apply?

I think most people would…

Actually, I think we all would at some stage in our lives.

Posting my thoughts with my face and name right there on the screen is my attempt to live without this mask.

It’s scary.

Bro listens to Gwen Stefani whilst sober. 

But when you realise the judgement, pressure or general awkwardness doesn’t really affect the outcome in any way – it’s freeing.

Think of what you’d do if you could do it anonymously.

Maybe you should just do it?

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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An attempt to clarify my thoughts and make sense of the world – Mind Fuzz is crafted for you, by someone who’s just trying to figure s**t out too.

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