Volume 42: The Moment, Comfort Shows & Uneven Growth

Welcome to the Mind Fuzz newsletter, a recap of three things that are on my mind this week.

1. The Moment

Living in the moment sounds so easy until you actually get to the moment.

A moment that you know probably won’t repeat itself.

A person, a place, an experience.

Something that leaves you with a feeling that you can’t help but want to feel over and over again.

I’m learning that the best moments in life always seem to be evanescent.

But maybe that’s what makes them so good.

I’m so grateful to be able to experience this.

But I think there’ll always be a part of me that gets distracted in the moment… wishing it could last just a little bit longer.

2. Comfort Shows

Today I started re-watching the original Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon for the 7th time.

I don’t know what the science is behind comfort shows, but they really work.

The fact a bunch of little pixelated characters in fake scenarios can have such an impact on my mood is pretty incredible.

Mostly when things are new or changing.

It’s nice to come back to a familiar state of being.

Music, TV shows, people.

Comfort can kill, but it can also be so nice sometimes.

3. Uneven Growth

“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We are mature in one realm, childish in another.”

Anais Nin

I’ve learnt over the last few years that the best way to get ahead in a particular area of life is by focusing on less.

When you do this, things will naturally fall out of balance.

Our energy is limited.

Health, wealth, relationships – three essential pillars, but they can’t all be improved upon (in any meaningful way) at the same time.

Make progress in one area, focus on that thing, and don’t be discouraged when you fall behind or remain stagnant in other areas.

I’ve tried to focus on everything all at once, and it doesn’t work.

Pick one goal.

Focus on that.

Forget the rest for a while.

You’ll save yourself a lot of time by going slower. 

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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An attempt to clarify my thoughts and make sense of the world – Mind Fuzz is crafted for you, by someone who’s just trying to figure s**t out too.

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