The Power of Sunset Gazing

This article definitely wasn't an excuse to use this photo I took of this gorgeous sunset the other day... I promise.

When was the last time you watched the sun set?

I’m not talking about noticing the pretty colours on your drive home from work.

I’m talking about really watching it.

Taking time out of your afternoon to genuinely gaze, bask and immerse yourself in the setting sun.

For me, watching the sun set is more than just noticing the colours.

I talk a lot about self-reflection on this blog, and I think the setting sun is one of the best reminders you can get to actually do this each day.

I’ve been pushing myself to catch more sunsets recently, and it’s starting to become my favourite part of the day.

Here’s four reasons why I think it could become your favourite part, too. 

Sunsets Give You Perspective

Get outside. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel big or tiny? Because there’s something good about feeling both.

Amy Grant

There are estimated to be 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe.

That is unfathomable to the human mind.

Think of how insignificant our galaxy is in comparison to that number.

Then think of how insignificant our planet is.

Then us.

Then our problems.

Those internalised problems that we perceive to be so important.

Somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten that we’re all just specks of dust living on a much bigger speck of dust.

It’s a weird world that we’ve created for ourselves.

We tend to create problems out of sheer boredom.

I find watching a sunset, or staring up at the moon and stars is one of the best ways to put all of this stuff into perspective.

That perceived problem that’s taking over your mind will likely not exist in six months.

It’s even less likely to exist in six years.

In 60 years, you’ll wonder why you even wasted time thinking about those menial things.

And in 600 years, no one will even know that you existed, not even your relatives.

Sunsets Connect You With Nature

We often forget that our bodies are biologically programmed to live according to the sun’s rising and falling.

Our circadian rhythm effects every aspect of our life, even if we’ve forgotten along the way that we’re a part of nature too.

When you take the time to sit down and appreciate a sunset, you re-sync your mind and body with the world around you.

The birds chirping, the waves crashing, the mosquitos suckin’ (one of the downsides) – all playing their part in the natural process of a day’s end.

Modern life makes it so easy to become disconnected from all of this.

I would say there’s a good number of you reading this who have never heard of the circadian rhythm.

This is not a dig at you, this is a dig at the lives we’ve invented for ourselves.

The artificial light of office cubicles and screens are not part of the natural cycle, but they play a significant role in the way we feel on a daily basis.

The more natural light you can add to your routine, the better you will feel.

Sunsets, and especially sunrises, help program our mind and body.

Natural light and darkness, at the correct times, will have a profound impact on your energy levels and your willingness to accomplish hard sh*t.

And as we’ve already established – that, my friend, is the blueprint to a better life.

I can discuss the impact of light in a future blog, but if you’re interested in learning more, then Andrew Huberman (YouTube) is a great source for this. 

Sunsets Connect You To People

Sunset gazing usually draws a crowd.

As somewhat of an introvert, experiencing beautiful moments with strangers is something that very rarely happens for me.

Sunsets give you the chance to become a part of moments like this every day.

There is a unique air of serenity that comes with sunset gazing.

It’s at this moment when everyone seems to appreciate the fact that they’re a part of something much bigger.

Having this realisation amongst people you’ve never met before can be a beautiful experience.

These are the same people that you’d usually walk past without acknowledging.

People who are going through the same sh*t as you and, like you, are just seeking happy and fulfilled lives.

Sunsets Remind You Of Your Death

Jack tries to go one week without talking about death (challenge: impossible).

Every sunset is a day closer to your death.

We all have a death date, we just don’t know when that is.

What we do know, however, is that every sunset brings us one day closer to that date.

This is why sunset gazing is such a great time for reflection.

That day you just lived, was it a day of your choosing?

Or was it a day you were forced to live through your lack of action?

Even if it’s the latter, did you put in the necessary work to get where you want to be?

If you did, enjoy that sunset.

If not, then you’ve just lived another of your finite days doing something that doesn’t fulfil you.

Use the sunset as your master.

Show up proud of the person you’ve been and the life you’ve lived that day.

And if you can’t?

That’s okay.

Your master will return tomorrow, it’s patient like that.

Now Go Bloody Watch That Sunset

I don’t know where you’re reading from in the world, so the setting sun may look different for you.

It may be freezing, it may be boiling, but I’m sure it’s still beautiful in some way.

Even if it’s just once each week, set aside some time to bask in it.

I think nature does an incredible job of untangling that mess inside our heads.

The content consumption and bombardment of information throughout the day can add up over time.

You need to give space for your brain to process things.

I’ve found reconnecting with nature (and putting the damn phone down) is one of the few things that work for me.

It may be a walk, it may be a sunset, just find what works for you and make it a ritual.

Memento mori… especially when watching the sun x

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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