Book Review: 5 Lessons From Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

I think there’s a lot to learn from someone who’s an expert in their craft. But I think there’s even more to learn from someone who is living a truly enjoyable life.

Matthew McConaughey personifies both of these things.

His book Greenlights was incredibly open and honest, which for an A-list Hollywood actor, seems pretty rare.

There were so many takeaways from this book, but I’ve condensed some of my favourite quotes into five key lessons.

This is my first book review. One of many… maybe?

I hope you learn something – because I certainly did.

Life Is Not A Race: Enjoy It Whilst You Can

McConaughey is famous for his cool and calm approach to life.

His quote in the 1993 film Dazed and Confused, “you just gotta keep livin’ man – L I V I N,” is still repeated to this day (he made this up on the fly too – like most of his lines in this film, it was unscripted).

It’s an attitude to life that carries over into this book. 

“I’ve never cared much for destinations. The idea of landing is too finite for my imagination and sense of song. Give me a direction and a sixteen-lane highway with room to swerve and explore along the way.”

He lives an enjoyable life, not because of his success, but because he’s doing something he thoroughly enjoys.

Before taking on a new role, he weighs up whether the time commitment is worth it. He says no to roles that don’t align with his values and yes to roles that will push him and make him better.

“I’d rather lose money having fun than make money being bored.”

Funnily enough, I think it’s this approach that has made McConaughey so successful. He never went into life with the intention of becoming famous or making a tonne of money.

He just wanted to have a good time doing the things he enjoyed. And life is a hell of a lot easier to enjoy when you’re having a good time.

Life is not a race. Enjoy it whilst you can.

All That Matters Is The Spirit You Leave Behind

“Even though my dad’s no longer physically here, his spirit is still alive in me for as long as I keep it alive. I can still talk to him, do my best to live by what he taught me, and keep him alive forever.”

This reminds me a lot of a quote from Maya Angelou, “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

The money, the status, the notoriety that we build up in life, all ceases to matter the moment we take our final breath.

What does last is the imprint we leave on those closest to us.

We’re all so focused on things that really don’t matter in the long run, that making sure we’re there for those around us can often be an afterthought.

I’ve written about the importance of keeping your own death at the forefront of your mind, and I think this is one of the best reasons to do so.

Outside your material possessions, if you died tomorrow, would people remember how good you made them feel?

All that matters is the spirit you leave behind.

Take The Road Less Travelled: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

“The introvert may need to get out of the house, engage with the world, get public. The extrovert may need to stay home and read a book. Sometimes we need to get out there, sometimes we need to get in there. Some days our road less travelled is a solitary dirt trail. On others, it’s the subway on the 7 line.”

Life is not a one-size-fits-all approach. What makes me anxious might be something that you can do without even thinking, and vice versa.

But if something isn’t working for us, maybe it’s time to shake up our routine and do something that makes us feel a bit uncomfortable.

The answers we’re looking for are almost always outside the little circle we’ve created for ourselves.

You can always return to it, but it’s good to venture outside of it every once in a while.

Take the road less travelled.

Spending Time Alone Is Crucial

“Time alone simplifies the heart.” 

“We need to put ourselves in places of decreased sensory input so we can hear the background signals of our psychological processes. As the noise decreases, the signals become clearer, we can hear ourselves again, and we reunite.”

One thing I was most surprised about when reading this book was just how well McConaughey was able to take a step back from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood and take time for himself.

I find it hard enough to do that in my own life, so I can’t imagine being able to do it when most of the world knows who you are, and every move you make will be laid bare for the world to see.

Nevertheless – it’s something he can do. And I think his ability to do this is another reason he has been able to live such a rewarding life.

“We tend to ourselves, and get in good graces once again. Then we return to civilisation, able to better tend to our tendencies.

Why? Because we took a walkabout.”

Spending time alone is crucial.

Take Control: Don’t Wait For Things To Come To You

“I was done with the excuses that fate allows, I was ready to be the boss of me, the one to blame and acquit. I needed to own that it was my hands on the steering wheel.”

Manifestation can be a good tool – but I also think it can be detrimental when used incorrectly.

Just because you’re putting good thoughts out into the universe doesn’t mean good things are going to happen for you.

“I had crossed a truth. Did I find it? I don’t know, I think it found me. Why? Because I put myself in a place to be found. I put myself in a place to receive it.”

Opportunities are bound to come your way. But are you in a place to receive them and make good use of these opportunities?

You can’t just keep wishing for good things to happen for you. You have to make them happen.

The good news? You have the power to do that.

The bad news? Again, putting yourself in a position to be found is uncomfortable.

It means learning new skills, meeting new people and trying different experiences.

But that’s how you make stuff happen.

Don’t wait for things to come to you.

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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