Volume 27: Regulating Emotions, Subconscious Thoughts & Mastering Circumstances

Welcome to the Mind Fuzz newsletter, a recap of three things that are on my mind this week.

1. Regulating Emotions

This week I learnt that I still struggle to regulate my emotions.

Yeah, not a fun discovery.

Something unexpected happened and it flipped me.

Thing is, it wasn’t even a big something.

It was tiny.

And my reaction was entirely made up of my own wacky perceptions.

It was a good reminder, though.

The only way to prepare for the thing is to practice the thing.

You cannot prepare for a moment or an environment without actually placing yourself there.

Meditate all you want.

Lift heavy weights all you want.

‘Work on yourself’ all you want.

But be prepared to still be taken aback by your emotions when the time comes.

The only way to handle these emotions is to bring them to the surface.

So… I guess this week was productive?

2. Subconscious Thoughts

The subconscious mind is a powerful thing.

Are you actually the person you want to be?

Or do you only act like it around others?

My experience this week made me realise that a small part of what I am trying to become has been an act.

I’m glad I recognised this.

Deep down, you know the answer to the questions above.

So let me tell you this…

Any act you’re putting on will eventually reveal itself to you or to others.

The facade is worthless without the foundations.

Back to the grind…

This time, with some new things to implement.

3. Mastering Circumstances

“If a man does not master his circumstances, then he is bound to be mastered by them.”

Amor Towles – A Gentleman In Moscow

A perfect quote to sum up this week’s newsletter…

But it’s important to make a distinction.

A man can never master his circumstances.

What he can master is his perception of them and the way in which he acts when exposed to them.

Thinking you can master the external circumstance is a surefire way to be overcome by them.

My week in a nutshell.

I hope yours was better xo

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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An attempt to clarify my thoughts and make sense of the world – Mind Fuzz is crafted for you, by someone who’s just trying to figure s**t out too.

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