Volume 28: Regaining Momentum, Looking Good & Highway Swerving

Welcome to the Mind Fuzz newsletter, a recap of three things that are on my mind this week.

1. Regaining Momentum

So after my little hiccup of a week last week…


And it made me realise something important.

The skill is not being able to stay on track 100% of the time.

The skill is to be able to reduce the time it takes for you to get back on track after falling off.

Read that again.

A chase for perfection will lead to anything but.

You’re going to fall off the rails.

You’re going to indulge.

Knowing this, accepting this, and getting back to your ideal state of mind as soon as possible… that’s what you and I need to master.

2. Looking Good

The older I get, the more I realise the importance of good looks.

Not necessarily in the way others perceive you.

But more-so in the way they make you feel.

I think confidence is the most important human attribute.

And having confidence in the way you look, and the way you present yourself, is the epitome of this.

Doing what you can to look better is a worthwhile pursuit, even if it may seem shallow.

Just don’t sacrifice your internal or mental health to get there.

3. Highway Swerving

“I’ve never cared much for destinations. The idea of landing is too finite for my imagination and sense of song. Give me a direction and a sixteen-lane highway with room to swerve and explore along the way.”

Matthew McConaughey – Greenlights

If you ain’t enjoying the process, then change the damn goal.

I cannot preach the importance of this enough.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the perceived destination that we often forget about the journey.

You should know by now that the journey is the only thing that matters.

Stop working on something you hate to arrive at a destination that won’t fulfil you.

Find what excites you right here, right now.

And pursue the damn thing.

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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Mind Fuzz Newsletter

An attempt to clarify my thoughts and make sense of the world – Mind Fuzz is crafted for you, by someone who’s just trying to figure s**t out too.

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