28 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self

Man showing printed photo
For the first time in a while, this cheesy grin is starting to become a normality. The power of creation, eh?

I turned 28 this week.

It was the first birthday in a while that hasn’t brought upon some sort of quarter-life crisis.

The reason?

Because 27 was the age where I started to actually take control of my life.

The last year taught me a lot, probably the most of any year so far.

It made me wonder what younger Jack would do differently with this new-found knowledge.

So, here are 28 things I’d tell my younger self.

1. Delay life-changing commitments

Pets, partners, houses.

Anything that locks you down.

Focus your energy on yourself.

Do not commit to things that may hinder your progress.

If it happens naturally, great.

But don’t chase it.

2. Don’t avoid doing something just because it’s ‘illegal’

Within reason.

3. Speaking ill of others harms you too

You’d be surprised how far negativity can spread.

Gossiping gets you nowhere, it’s just another indulgence.

Focus on yourself.

4. Do not feel guilty for wasted time.

Gaming, partying, procrastinating…

It’s all part of the process.

Regret is just more wasted time.

5. Never dull your personality to fit in.

If you need to fit in, you’re in the wrong place.

6. You will make more progress whilst single

Relationships are comfortable.

You need discomfort to grow.

Your partner is out there.

No need to rush.

7. Sundays never get old

Treasure every single one of them.

Practice self-care, exercise, get some sunlight.

Pat your dogs, speak to your parents and eat good food.

8. Looks matter

Even if you don’t like it.

Do whatever you can to look better.

But do not sacrifice your internal or mental health to get there.

9. As a man, building muscle will change your life

In every damn aspect.

10. Arguing about nutrition is a waste of time

People treat nutrition like a religion.

Don’t waste your time arguing with them.

Eat healthy, whole foods.

Don’t complicate it.

11. Avatar: The Last Airbender is the best show you’ll ever watch

Don’t expect to top it.

12. White noise machines are life-changing

Investing in your sleep is money well spent.

13. Not everyone loves travelling

But travelling will certainly change your life.

Even if you don’t enjoy it.

14. Confidence is the most important attribute

If you believe you can, you probably will.

Most successful people know how to bullsh*t.

15. Your priorities will constantly change

Don’t be surprised if this happens overnight.

This is true in relationships, jobs and goals.

Be ready to adapt.

16. Gambling is dumb.

Do not do it.

17. University is a waste of time

Universities are marketing geniuses.

Taking on thousands in debt and locking yourself into years of study at 17?

Bad move.

18. It’s okay not to have it figured out

You will never have all the answers.

Not knowing is the fun part.

Bask in the uncertainty.

19. The journey is everything

If you aren’t enjoying the journey, then change the goal.

You can only find fulfilment in the present moment.

Stop chasing, start enjoying.

20. Invest early

Make your money work for you ASAP.

I started investing at 23.

I should have started at 18.

21. Say no, even if you offend someone

Say no to things you don’t want to do.

Say no to things that are a waste of time.

Say no to things that do not help you grow.

But don’t say no to discomfort.

22. Take risks whilst you can

If it fails, you have so much time to recover.

As you age, your appetite for risk will diminish.

23. Some people won’t like you.

And that won’t change no matter how hard you try.

If you be yourself those people will avoid you anyway.

24. Some books will change your life

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Read more.

25. Nature will solve a lot of your problems

A lot of your problems are self-imposed.

Go outside and you’ll realise how insignificant they are.

Always remember you’re just floating on a rock.

26. Create more than you consume

Your life will change when you swap consumption for creation.

Post things online.

People will judge.

Then they’ll forget about you within 5 seconds.

27. Chase the flow state

A flow state is better than any substance.

Learn what gets you into a flow state.

And practice that activity regularly.

28. There is always another way.

If you hate doing something, there is always an alternative.

It might just require more work to get there.

Do not settle.

So… What Now?

So what are my plans for 28?

Well, maybe that’s another blog post entirely.

But I can say that I feel like the puzzle pieces are slowly falling into place.

If you want to know what’s going on inside my noggin’ each week, feel free to sign up to my newsletter here and follow along.

And remember, whatever age you are, it’s not too late to do the thing you really want to do.

Six months of consistent effort towards a meaningful goal can change everything.

Memento mori.

Picture of Who is Jack Waters?

Who is Jack Waters?

He used to be a journalist, then he got bored. Now he writes about random stuff on the internet.

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